Aluminium cladding is among the widely used construction metal cladding systems locally and internationally. However, sometimes the heads of households may wish to alter their metal panels and use other materials, such as Kansas city siding. Therefore, they will have to strip off aluminium siding without causing any destruction or harm and install a new system.

There are Two Perspectives on Removing Aluminum Siding:

  1. How to safely strip the outside of your house of aluminum siding
  2. How to strip an old building of aluminium sidings for disposal

If you want to send your old aluminium siding to waste, then the process is much easier since you could damage and tear the panels apart easily.

However, if you want to strip off aluminium cladding safely either to reapply it or perhaps fix new materials such as ACM panels, then you need to be more accurate.

Remove Aluminum Siding Without Damage For Reuse or Scrap Yard: 

Step 1: Inspect the Aluminum Siding

The removing aluminium siding process is as follows: You then take a couple of locations where your aluminium cladding panels are and pull a corner of it back to see what is happening beneath it. It will assist in planning the work in future and accurately.

Step 2: Knowing how to strip the aluminium siding of a house without damaging it requires the following steps:

  1. Wear Protective Gear: The aluminium siding panels are also sharp, so always put on your goggles and wear work gloves.
  2. Understand Panel Attachment: The panels are nailed at the top and hook into the bottom of the panel above it.
  3. Start at the End Panel: Take a metal hanger or any other similar instrument to jab the end of a panel with little force.
  4. Unzip the Panel: The bottom section must be pulled down and the panel dragged sideways to remove it from the system.
  5. Remove Nails: You have to pry up the nails holding the panel using a pry bar.’

Do the same on the other panels until it is accomplished in a way that will ensure no damages to the siding are made.

Step 3: Get to know the Nailing Channels and Trim regarding how to remove Aluminum Siding Safely

The outside and inside corners of the aluminium cladding systems have slim channels. You could separate them in the same way that you can locate where the nails that hold these parts are. In most cases, the aluminium sidings that go over the old wood trim are installed using aluminium nails. Removing these nails can be quite a task. Nevertheless, it is better, to begin with the corner as it becomes easier to peel the aluminum back as well as to let the pins come with it.

Step 4: Aluminum Soffits

Also included are the open eaves being covered up and made to look like aluminium soffits. In any case, the removal of these soffits is easy. One nail on one side and one nail on the other side of the j-channel is all that holds each board in place. You can take out the first one and pull the rest down with the claw side of your hammer before pulling up the nails that hold the j-channel in place.

Step 5: Aluminum Siding Insulation

Because aluminum sidings have poor insulating properties, it will not be unusual to see Styrofoam or some other insulating material beneath the sidings which leave space for the siding panels to be nailed into the siding using some larger roofing nails.

Solid Kansas City Siding

107 W 9th St 2nd floor #585, Kansas City, MO 64105, USA
